Speed Swimming Program 2023


The Speed Swimming program aims to prepare swimmers to be a part of the CBSC Swim Team by improving technique, building strength and endurance, and developing skills required to be a competitive speed swimmer.

Road to CBSC Swim Team:

STEP 1: Progress through CBSC Swim lessons to gain skills in all 4 strokes.

STEP 2: Minimum 1 season with Development group – this is the place to gain endurance, fitness and a sense of what the full team experience is like. Developmental meets are offered to gain experience and work towards A times ** speak to Head Coaches if you are unfamiliar with A and B times

STEP 3: Join the Competitive group – 2 training sessions per day – this extra time commitment is essential for growth as a summer speed swimmer.

CBSC Swim Team – Development Group
Development Swim Handout 2023

  • An introduction to the CBSC Swim Team and competitive swimming.
  • Builds endurance and strength, develops proper stroke techniques and introduces dives, turns and use of blocks
  • Swimmers must be able to swim 300 meters comfortably
  • Opportunities to attend smaller swim meets
  • Solid understanding of all four strokes (should have completed or be registered in Strokers 1 or permission from the Developmental Head Coach).
  • 4 days/week group: Training is once a day M/T/Th/F. Fee: $110/month

CBSC Swim Team – Competitive Group
Competitive Swim Handout 2023

A more intensive program aimed at improving swimmer’s performance in competitions by emphasizing strength and endurance, while simultaneously improving their technique.

  • Proficiency at all four racing strokes expected (ideally completed or registered in Strokers 3).
  • The average distance covered in a practice (all ages) ranges from 2-4 km.
  • Expectation of attendance at a minimum of 2 swim meets, plus Regionals in August.
  • Training is twice a day M/T/Th/F with extra practice Wednesdays. Attendance at both morning and afternoon practices is expected.
  • Fee: Competitive Group $165/month

**Contact Head Coaches if you are new to the swim team.

BCSSA (British Columbia Summer Swimming Association)

BCSSA is required for all competitive disciplines (speed swimming, water polo and artistic swim). Annual fee of $42 is valid until April 30, 2024 and includes all competitive disciplines in which you are participating. If you participated in Spring Training and have already registered, you do not need to register again.

Please note that BCSSA is also required for any swimmers in the Developmental swim group who would like to enter any swim meets during the summer (aside from the CBSC B Meet).

Contact Anna Nelson at BCSSARegistrar@cbswimclub.ca for further questions.