Online Enrolment Information
There will not be a LINE UP to receive a registration time slot; once again this process will be offered online. Please mark your calendars with the online enrolment date and time as per the schedule below. Time slots are assigned on a first come first serve basis so the earlier you click on the link the earlier your registration time will be.
New Procedures for 2021:
Volunteers, Donors and Alumni Staff will be e-mailed an enrolment link on May 29th. This link will be used for your online enrolment. Please note these links will not go live until your scheduled enrolment time.
To enrol, please click on the link in your e-mail at the following time:
- Group WHITE (Directors and Mathisen Family): Please click on the link in your e-mail on June 1st at 8pm.
- Group BLUE (CBSC Donation/Founders Group): Please click on the link in your e-mail on June 1st at 8pm.
- Group PURPLE (Committee Members): Please click on the link in your e-mail on June 1st at 8pm.
- Group GREEN (Coordinators): Please click on the link in your e-mail on June 1st at 8:00pm.
- Group YELLOW (Alumni Staff): Please click on the link in your e-mail on log on June 1st at 8:00pm.
Returning and New Members
To enrol, please click on the Returning or New link on the Registration page at the following time:
- Group ORANGE (Returning Members): We will not be e-mailing Returning Members a link. The Returning Member link will be live on our Registration home page on June 1st at 8pm. If you have purchased a membership in the past, you may click on the RETURNING member link.
- Group RED (New Members): Please click on the NEW member link on the Registration page of our website on June 1st at 8pm.
Important Notes about Enrolment:
Online enrolment for the groups listed above will remain open until June 3rd at 11:00pm at which time the above categories will be closed and a general category titled “Get a Registration Time Slot” will open for all remaining returning members who have not yet enrolled for a registration time slot. The link for this general category will be on the registration page of the website.
Invitation e-mails will be sent out to volunteers who qualify to enrol in categories other than ORANGE and RED. If you volunteer and have not received your online enrolment link by May 30th, please e-mail
Alumni Staff: Please ensure you have completed our new Alumni Staff Alumni Staff Form.
Immediately after enrolling for a registration time slot, you will receive a confirmation e-mail. This e-mail confirms that your online enrolment has been received. If you do not receive a confirmation e-mail, please try the enrolment process again.
Once you have successfully enrolled for a registration time slot, please continue to check your e-mail and the Registration page of our website for updates regarding registration.
Please add this new e-mail address to your contact list to ensure you do not miss the e-mail with your online enrolment link.