July 29, July Tank Swim & Gala
July 30, Men’s & Ladies’ Doubles Tennis
July 31, August Lessons Begin
August 5, Men’s Golf

Week 4
Wait There’s Four More!

Even a little bit of well-needed rain didn’t dampen our spirits. This past week we’ve had some exciting events take place such as the Sailing Regatta, the Adult & Child tennis tourney, the Snail River Run, and we hosted our Water Polo tournament to name a few. For a volunteer-run club, we know how to pack a punch into each event. No one pulls it off quite like CBSC! Happy Fun ‘Farm’ Day to everyone.

An important message from CBSC:

Reminder: parents are responsible for the behaviour of their children on CBSC premises. Do not leave young children unattended. Our club facilities such as the pool deck, tennis viewing areas, coaching areas and our well-tended to gardens are not a playground for kids.

Racquets should be used on the court only, and tennis balls are for lessons.

Thank you for helping us take care of our beautiful facilities, and keeping everyone safe!

August lessons will begin this Monday, July 31 (yes, in July!)


July Tanker Swim and Gala, July 29
The July Tanker Swim takes place at the tanks located at The Point, on Saturday, July 29 at 9am. July Gala will follow the tanker swim. Deck entries are allowed.

The CBSC Concession will be open. Come hungry, and ready to eat!

Special notes:
On Saturday – Water Running is cancelled due to the Gala, Family swim (until 5pm) will take place after the Gala.

Water Polo Update
Our WP teams had an impressive showing at Coquitlam’s Andrew Hunt Memorial tournament on Monday.


  • U18 – gold
  • U16 – gold
  • U14 – gold
  • U12 – 4th

Congrats to all of our Seahorses.

The Semiahmoo Cup, August 12

The fifth annual Semiahmoo Cup is taking place Saturday, August 12 at Blackie Spit. 9:00am at the Tanks! Be a part of this historic relay race started in 1922 between arch rivals, the WRASA Killer Guppies and the CBSC Seahorses.

This fun relay race will involve an ocean swim, beach run and laps in the pool.

Breakfast to follow after the Trophy Ceremony. Save-On Foods is sponsoring croissants and cookies and Crescent Coffee House is supplying the hot chocolate and coffee. BYOM – Bring your Own Mug!

We are welcoming swimmers and runners of all ages.

Please click on the link to register for the CBSC team.

Semiahmoo Cup Sign Up

Register all members of your family who wish to attend, including those who are coming to cheer so that we have an approximate headcount for the Semiahmoo Cup breakfast following the relay.

If you have any questions, email Sarah at sarahyplo@gmail.com


Tennis BC welcomes Crescent Beach Swimming Club as its newest member! CBSC is steeped in history, and not just a swim club! Here is an article about CBSC and the history of tennis at our club.

Men’s & Ladies’ Doubles, July 30 10am
Join us for a fun doubles tournament this Sunday to showcase your skills and engage in some friendly competition. All levels are welcome and encouraged. Sign up with a partner or the coaches will do their best to find one for you (not guaranteed). Sign up through Activenet.

Tennis Fun Days – Thursday, Friday & Saturday this week
Farm Themed “Oink, oink, moo!”

August lessons start Monday July 31st

Safely first! Racquet use is only allowed on the courts. We appreciate parents’ help in keeping the tennis area a safe place to watch tennis.


Sunday served up nearly ideal conditions for the July Regatta! Intrepid sailors of all ages and skill levels arrived at the tank to compete, and we now look forward to the main event in August!

Looking for more things to do in August? We have some openings that are available for August in Sailing:

  • Sail Gold: Weeks 5-8 (Activity #11404) M-F 9:00am-12:00pm
  • Family Sail: Week 6 (Activity #11385) or 8 (Activity #11387) M,Tu,Th,F 6:00-8:30pm
  • Stand Up Paddleboard – Two weeks (4 sessions) of instruction on the basics of SUP
  • Teen Paddleboard – An fun evening on the water with friends


Snail River Run
Snail River Run 2023 was a huge success! Perfect weather conditions, a quiet beach due to a cooler morning and the excitement from all participants made this evening one for the books. And speaking of books, Snail River has a new all time record of 11 minutes and 16 seconds run by Mark Wilkie. To add to this epic milestone, the fastest female runner of the evening was his wife, Sabrina Wilkie, making this the first ever husband and wife duo to win the fastest male and female category – a big congratulations to the Wilkie family!

Another huge thank you to all of our amazing volunteers that allow us to keep this race going.

If you were a participant in this race and would like to know your time, please click HERE

See you next year!

Men’s Golf, Saturday August 5
Attention CBSC Men’s Golf:
The day is fast approaching August 5th! The theme this year is Mexican Fiesta!!!! The cervezas will be flying, the food will be amazing and the golf will be tragic…..but we can all say we were there in 2023 when that weird guy won the Gerbil!

Note: if you have any foursome requests still please send them my way at 778-995-8783 and if you have any prizes you’d like to drop off, the address is 2851 McBride Ave. There will be plenty of snacks and beverages on the course, maybe even a few Margaritas. Dinner will start at 6:30pm back at the pool (Mexican buffet) and feel free to bring your swim shorts for a dip. The golf will start at NicoWynd at 12:30pm shotgun style.

Thanks and keep it in the short grass,
Kevin Estabrooks khestabrooks@gmail.com

Ladies’ Golf, Saturday August 12
Last call for ladies golf! Find a friend, or register as a single and come play in the CBSC Ladies 9 & wine! This year we will play a best ball 9 hole tournament (no skill required) followed by an evening of cocktails & canapes back at the club – this event is always a blast so don’t miss out! Please email team requests to connor.brodie@gmail.com


Lost, and (not) Found
Our Lost and Found is located behind Tennis courts 3 and 4. Please come claim your towels, water bottles, swim suits, sweatshirts, goggles and more. After the July Gala weekend, these items will be donated, so make sure to take a look.

As always, tonight at 7pm is Footraces. Enjoy your weekend, and don’t forget August lessons begin on Monday!