August 26, Tennis Awards
August 27, Tank Swim & August Gala & Awards
The Noble Order of the Chair 2023
On Thursday night at the Summer AGM, one of CBSC’s cherished and most honoured traditions, “The Chair” was once again awarded to a hardworking and complementary volunteer couple. It is reserved for the legendary leaders amongst our volunteers for their lifetime achievement in the Club, setting a very high bar, and big shoes to fill, for the rest of us.
And as tradition continues to inspire, their history of service was presented in a poem.
Here are a few stanzas from the full poem presented:
Before long she became our first female Pres;
And, no surprise here, was one of our best.
On top of the usual issues and tasks
She raised the bucks needed to rescue our tanks.
Twenty years later, the club called again:
“Our pool needs some renos, will you lead the campaign?”
Without hesitation she jumped in with both feet,
And we now have a pool with which few can compete.
But what about him? Is there much we can say?
Or has he said enough, in his own special way?
He started with meat draws and a few bingo calls;
But greatness was destined for that silky smooth drawl.
Tanker Swims, Galas, B Meets and Awards;
He called them with gravitas and also with warmth.
Countless tanker swim videos record the words that he spoke,
Describing yet another “Great Crescent Beach Stroke.”
This husband and wife have devoted so much
Of their blood and their sweat to the Club we all love.
Many Welcome to Summers in their yard did they host;
So it feels right, that tonight, it is them that we toast.
Their exploits spanned decades – they helped kids have fun;
And their legacy will stand for generations to come.
Walter and Diana Maughan are the best of the best.
The Chair is now theirs, for some well-deserved rest!
(Full poem can be enjoyed HERE)