July 25, Snail River Run
July 26, U10 & U12 Water Polo Tournament
July 26, Singles Tennis Tournament
July 29, July Tank Swim & Gala

July Tanker Swim & Gala Info


The July Tanker Swim takes place at the tanks located at The Point, on Saturday, July 29 at 9am. Eligible tankers in lessons were contacted through their swim coach with a letter handed out in class.The Tanker Swim Practice is Thursday July 27. A reminder that you must attend the tanker swim practice and be able to swim 25m of the tank unassisted (no floaties or wetsuits) at the practice to attempt the tanker swim on Saturday.

The CBSC Concession will be open. Come hungry, and ready to eat!

The July Gala volunteers will need feeding and watering. If you can help Katherine by either volunteering to bring something for our hard-working volunteers, and/or help her distribute it, she would really appreciate it!

July Gala Deck Food

Special notes:
On Saturday – Water Running is cancelled due to the Gala, Family swim (until 5pm) will take place after the Gala.