More CBSC B Meet Information

We will be supplying food and refreshments for officials and volunteers at the upcoming CBSC ‘B’ Meet, on Wednesday, July 19th. Please consider contributing a plate of veggies, fruit, savoury items, or baked goods. A sign up sheet can be found here: Deck Food Donation Sign Up Many thanks in advance for helping out!

Please deliver your food items (ready-to-serve) to the Clubhouse on the day of the Meet (Wednesday, July 19th) anytime between 11:30am and 1pm.

S & T Officials – And for those of you that haven’t had a chance to use your stroke and turn judge skills in a while we are looking for S&T officials to help at the meet – please sign up here: B Meet Stroke and Turn Officials

Timers – sign up here to time: B Meet Timers

We also need some BBQ volunteers. Contact Melissa at if you can help out on the grill!


You can sign up through the B Meet link below: