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Rain or shine!


Digging starts at 10:00am and ends at 11:00am SHARP, so arrive by 9:45am to find your plot and get ready.


Location: At the end of Beecher St. in front of Hooked and Cotto Al Mare restaurants.


The event will be similar to last year:

There are only three rules!

  1. Digging and collection of beach material cannot start until 10:00AM.
  2. Beach materials are the only things that can be incorporated into your creation.
  3. Plots are a maximum size of 10×10 sq ft – stakes and measuring string will be provided.


Email kristi.gordon@globalnews.ca or holdring@hotmail.com if you have questions.



August 8, 2021
10:00 am - 11:00 am

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