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Do not miss our “Get Ready For Summer” Event & Flash Sale at the CBSC pool!

· Online Clothing Order Pick-Up: this is the ONLY day to pick-up your clothing orders, we cannot store any orders at the Clubhouse and will be unavailable for pick-up after this day. If you are unable to attend, please ask someone to pick up your order for you.

· FLASH SALE: we will be selling all of the clothing inventory we have from previous summers. Everything must go so don’t miss your chance to score some major deals!

· We will also have bathing suits for sale and a small collection of our new clothing & lifestyle items that were available on our online shop in the spring, selection is limited so come early to ensure you don’t miss out.

· Wristbands and Seahorses: this is the ONLY day to pick-up your wristbands

· Trophy Drop-Off Day! The trophy ladies will be at the Clubhouse from 9am to 2pm. Please drop off your engraved trophies during this time. Any questions, please email trophies@cbswimclub.ca

· Snail River Run In Person Registration: A table will be setup at the Club for race registration and t-shirt orders.

We will be accepting CREDIT CARD ONLY for payment on July 3rd at the clothing sale.

If you have any questions about the clothing orders or sale please email clothinginquiries@cbswimclub.ca


July 3, 2021
9:00 am - 2:00 pm



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