July 26, Fun Day!
July 27, Tank Swim & July Gala
July 28, Men’s & Ladies’ Doubles
July 28, Sail Past
July 29, August Lessons
July 30, July Bullhead Derby

Week 4
Halfway to Eight

Time certainly flies in a CBSC summer. It felt like things were just getting started and in a blink of an eye, four weeks have gone by, almost. The good news is, plenty of memories have been made so far and there are still four weeks left to enjoy all that the club has to offer. So if there’s something you’ve been meaning to do, make sure you get out and do it.

The Summer Olympics also begin today in Paris with the opening ceremonies! Apparently breaking, or breakdancing will be a legit new event this year, who knew?! Hopefully the athletes will inspire our young athletes, as we get to cheer them on from across the ocean. Go Canada, go 🇨🇦!

August Lessons Start on Monday, July 29
A reminder to everyone that your August lessons will start on Monday!


Art Swim just completed their Regionals yesterday, and up next will be Water Polo and Competitive Swimming, leading into Provincials at UBC in a couple of weeks.

July Tanker Swim and Gala, Saturday, July 27

  • The July Tanker Swim takes place at the tanks located at The Point, on Saturday, July 27 at 9am.
  • The July Gala will immediately follow the tanker swim.
  • Please note that deck entries will only be accepted until 11am on Gala Day for individual races and till 11:30am for relays.
  • The CBSC Concession will be stocked. Come hungry, and ready to eat!


The July Singles Tournament was a success with some great on-court competition. Way to go to all of the players who participated!

Men’s & Ladies’ Doubles, July 28 – 10 am

  • Come play in the Doubles Tournament this Sunday to showcase your skills and engage in some friendly competition.
  • All levels are welcome and encouraged but both participants must be CBSC members.
  • Sign up with a partner or find one at the tourney (not guaranteed, so show up early if this is your plan).
  • Sign up through Activenet.

Tennis Fun Days – Friday & Saturday this week
– Under The Sea Theme –


Sail Past, Sunday July 28 at 5pm

  • This Sunday we will be saluting everyone on the water in CBSC fashion at the 6th Annual Sail Past!
  • This is an opportunity for you to ride ANYTHING THAT FLOATS past the flagship anchored just beyond the swim tank.
  • This fun event is open to everybody on anything (boats, paddle boards, kayaks, floaties) that floats!
  • When: Sunday, July 28 – beginning @ 17:00 (5pm)
  • Where: Start out past the Swim Tank, cruise in past the flagship

See you on the water and give us a wave!



The Snail River Run (SRR 2024) was lots of fun watching everyone, of all ages, compete in the different age categories. The freezies hit the spot after the run, and the Gatorade and trivia, also known as “we need time to tabulate the results’, was an even bigger hit with the kids. Here were the final results:

Bullhead Derby, Tuesday, July 30 (ages 12 and under)

  • Join us at the pier Tuesday, July 30 for the July 2024 BULLHEAD DERBY!
  • Rumour has it the bullheads (and other sea creatures) may be biting, again.
  • Registration at the pier at 6pm, fishing from 6:30 to 7:30pm, followed by prizes, prizes, prizes!!!
  • Bring your own bait, tackle and rod.
  • See you at the pier. ~ FREE for all members.

at Guildford Golf Course on Saturday, August 3

  • Limited spots left – all levels of golf ability are welcome.
  • This year’s theme is German! Prize contributions are welcomed!
  • Fee: $135 (for golf, prizes, snacks, dinner & drinks)
  • Register online or in the Clubhouse.

THE SEMIAHMOO CUP – Saturday, August 10

The sixth annual Semiahmoo Cup is taking place 9am Saturday, August 10 at Blackie Spit. Be a part of this historic relay race started in 1922 between arch rivals, the WRASA Killer Guppies and the CBSC Seahorses. This fun relay race will involve an ocean swim, beach run and laps in the pool.

  • Breakfast followed by the Trophy Ceremony.
  • Save-On Foods is sponsoring croissants and cookies and Dudes is supplying the hot chocolate and coffee.
  • BYOM – Bring your Own Mug!
  • We are welcoming swimmers and runners of all ages. This is a fun event for the whole family.
  • Please click on the link to register for the CBSC team.
  • Don’t miss out on this year’s t-shirt as Comp Swim Head Coach Claudia designed the graphic.
  • Semiahmoo Cup Sign Up: https://forms.gle/qSjmbM9ZU1d4iurM6
  • Please register all members of your family who wish to attend, including those who are coming to cheer so that we have an approximate headcount for the Semiahmoo Cup breakfast following the relay.
  • If you have any questions, email Sarah at sarahyplo@gmail.com


LAST Trophy Drop-off Date TODAY

  • If you haven’t done so yet, here is the last drop off date for your engraved trophies!
  • Thank you for getting your trophies back to us on time so we can get them in tip-top shape for awards at the end of summer.
  • Last Drop off Day # 4 – Friday July 26 from 2:00 – 4:30 @ 12252 Gilley Street
  • Any questions, please email trophies@cbswimclub.ca

Lost & Found

  • The Lost and Found continues to grow exponentially after PNO and our water polo and tennis tournaments this week.
  • Make sure to have one last look!
  • Now even more towels, clothing, shoes, and water bottles.
  • After the July Gala, it will be cleared and donated.

Sunscreen Application

  • Thank you for being more aware of sunscreen application while using our beautiful pool!
  • It goes a long way in helping us maintain the pool so we can use it for all of our activities. A
  • pply your sunscreen at 30 minutes ahead so it can absorb into your skin before entering the water.
  • Wearing protective sun gear will help too.
  • Thanks in advance for your help.

Good luck to all of our swimmers this weekend at the Gala, and enjoy the Olympic viewing. As always, see you tonight at 7:00pm at Footraces.
